Links and support
If you have some problems with Fresh, you can find support on the following places:
Fresh IDE source repository - there is a bug tracker, where you can report bugs,
feature requests etc. Does not require registration. You simply have to log as an anonymous
user. The password is provided on the login page.
FASM message board - For common information, questions and discussions about FASM
and FASM programming.
IDE development forum - For questions, comments and support about Fresh IDE.
Also, you can e-mail the problem to: johnfound
at asm32
dot info
Last modified on: 13.01.2016 19:03:08
_DMB_ ( 03.01.2024 01:43:07 UTC ) :
John Found, доброго времени суток.
Прочитал вашу статью на Хабре - очень понравилось. Шутка-ли, 800 000 строк кода на FASM!!! Оказывается, и "один в поле воин" иногда бывает. У меня, к сожалению, нет на Хабре регистрации, поэтому решил здесь попросить о помощи. Не могу скомпилировать третью версию в Windows 10 x64 по вашему совету в статье. Не хватает знаний по Линуксу, чтобы по образу и подобию перенести все из скрипта для Линукс в Windows 10 x64. Помогите, если не трудно, прям по пунктам, если можно, распишите процесс компиляции в Win 10 x64. Мне принципиально нужно, чтобы была возможнось компилировать из под Windows.
Версия 2.7 компилируется прям на раз, а вот с третьей прям беда - запутался.
С репозитариев папки и скачал при помощи fossil. Но с компиляцией 3-ей версии что-то не получается.
Robert Steiner ( 23.12.2021 02:32:31 UTC ) :
Malicious software warning on Chrome and Edge. Can't download.
Craig Bogh ( 28.08.2021 00:34:37 UTC ) :
why is the downloads link no longer working?
kh ( 10.02.2021 01:34:57 UTC ) :
The download links are broken.
top ( 14.01.2021 20:26:42 UTC ) :
I can't download any file. When I click, nothing is happening
selevo ( 12.07.2020 09:43:14 UTC ) :
That is, I can’t understand how to add a button (and others elements) from the component palette to my form.
For some reason, the documentation doesn’t have a word about working with the interface.
And the video is not there either.
worried ( 13.04.2020 09:09:14 UTC ) :
Is there a virus/trojan-problem with the downloads? shows:
Trojan.GenericKD.32446315 (B)
Trojan.Wacatac!8.10C01 (CLOUD)
Ytrog ( 04.02.2020 10:27:18 UTC ) :
FreshSetup2_7_0.exe is blocked by Chrome because it thinks it is dangerous. 😟
Silvano ( 05.10.2019 13:21:44 UTC ) :
I would like to compile Fresh Ide from the last source code.
It is possible to have a guide or a tutorial to do that?
I think it would be nice to have a guide in the site maybe it would be useful.
My intent is to recompile fresh ide to include the last version of fasm.
Maybe it is not so easy.
Thank you
Mon See ( 26.07.2019 07:04:02 UTC ) :
Detected as "Trojan:Win32/Tiggre!plock" by Windows Defender
Aryan3 ( 11.07.2019 19:12:12 UTC ) :
thanks a lot for version 2.7.0
just one thing: if you run the file once with the wrong code and then correct the code, you can not run it again in the fresh and you must close and reopen it.
John J ( 13.01.2018 20:58:18 UTC ) :
On 64 bit Windows 7 backslash has wrong gliph, probably font issue.
Slava ( 09.01.2018 06:49:24 UTC ) :
John Found ( 03.01.2018 07:33:10 UTC )
Update in order to have this bug (probably) fixed. ;)
Hi. Thanks for this fix. Now I can work with this IDE =)
John Found ( 03.01.2018 07:33:10 UTC ) :
I deleted the below link to Fresh262RC.exe, because these fixes are now officially released as v2.6.2; Update in order to have this bug (probably) fixed. ;)
@Slava - thanks for the report and the help!
John Found ( 22.12.2017 20:46:13 UTC ) :
Well, I still can't reproduce this crash, but thanks to the Slava debugging, found an obvious bug in the Save dialog procedure.
@Slava, please, download the fixed executable from
and test it on your system, by replacing the buggy Fresh.exe (v2.6.1). Hope it will fix the problem. If so, I will release new version as soon as possible.
John Found ( 22.12.2017 14:45:10 UTC ) :
Slava ( 22.12.2017 05:48:08 UTC )
This can be more helpful. Thanks! I will check it tonight. :)
Slava ( 22.12.2017 05:48:08 UTC ) :
John Found ( 21.12.2017 07:24:38 UTC )
Please, try to browse down the stack (from the CPU window) and/or call stack in order to find some return addresses to the Fresh IDE code (Fresh.exe). TheyIt should look something like 004xxxxxh.
Hi, I tried to debug, and every time I see "int 3". I made a screenshot in this place and there you can see the return addresses.
John Found ( 21.12.2017 07:24:38 UTC )
Also, please try to describe step by step the simplest way to rise this exception. Maybe I am missing something simple, because of the way I am using the IDE.
An error always occurs when you try to save a new file. I run the program, select the file - new - source file, then enter any text and click "save". In the appeared window of saving the file, I do not change anything and press "save". After that, the program breaks.
If you open an existing file, change it and save it, the error will not occur
John Found ( 21.12.2017 07:24:38 UTC ) :
Slava ( 20.12.2017 14:02:37 UTC ) :
Ok, i make 2 screenshots:
maybe it will help
Thanks for the help! But unfortunately these CPU and call stack screenshots are very deep inside the system libraries, so I can't trace the exception back to the Fresh IDE code. Please, try to browse down the stack (from the CPU window) and/or call stack in order to find some return addresses to the Fresh IDE code (Fresh.exe). TheyIt should look something like 004xxxxxh.
Also, please try to describe step by step the simplest way to rise this exception. Maybe I am missing something simple, because of the way I am using the IDE.
Slava ( 20.12.2017 14:02:37 UTC ) :
John Found ( 20.12.2017 11:37:29 UTC )
Please, try to run Fresh IDE through OllyDbg (or any other debugger) and post the address where it crashes and the call stack in this moment.
Ok, i make 2 screenshots:
call stack
maybe it will help
John Found ( 20.12.2017 11:37:29 UTC ) :
Slava ( 20.12.2017 08:21:48 UTC )
Hi. I'm install fresh 2.6.1 on windows 10 x64, and i can't save anything. When i click "save" and choose the path, fresh IDE crashed. Admin rights do not help. Help me please
Well, Fresh IDE is not well tested on Windows 10. Unfortunately, on my computers with Windows 10, Fresh works as expected and I can't reproduce this crash.
Please, try to run Fresh IDE through OllyDbg (or any other debugger) and post the address where it crashes and the call stack in this moment.
Slava ( 20.12.2017 08:21:48 UTC ) :
I'm install fresh 2.6.1 on windows 10 x64, and i can't save anything. When i click "save" and choose the path, fresh IDE crashed. Admin rights do not help.
Help me please
John Found ( 16.09.2017 06:06:59 UTC ) :
Fellipe ( 15.09.2017 03:58:18 UTC )
Hello! Where can I find the reference about the functions used to make GUIs?
I am not sure, about what GUI you are asking.
The Fresh IDE itself uses plain WinAPI calls for the GUI with some custom components. Look in MSDN for full documentation.
The FreshLib GUI is completely different - it uses its own GUI toolkit in order to be portable across different OSes. But it is still in heavy development, things changes all the time and that is why it is not documented at all. I will write documentation once the API is stable enough.
Fellipe ( 15.09.2017 03:58:18 UTC ) :
Hello! Where can I find the reference about the functions used to make GUIs?
Thanks John, I'll start using that.
John Found:
Use \
at the end of the line and type the remaining at the next line. It is common practice in FASM programming, described in the FASM manual.
The source editor line limit will be removed in the version 3.0, where new source editor will be implemented from scratch.
But, probably it will be not very soon. :)
I really like this interface for working on projects. I am re-engaging my SmiddyOS project and ran into a snag. Sorry, I haven't read all you information, so this may have been caught somewhere else. I am compiling a very long text string, for a CDROM.ISO of: DATE_STRING EQU (YEAR / 1000 + '0'),((YEAR / 100) MOD 10 + '0'),((YEAR / 10) MOD 10 + '0'),(YEAR MOD 10 + '0'),(MONTH / 10 + '0'),(MONTH MOD 10 + '0'),(DAY / 10 + '0'),(DAY MOD 10 + '0'),(HOUR / 10 + '0'),(HOUR MOD 10 + '0'),(MINUTE / 10 + '0'),(MINUTE MOD 10 + '0'),(SECOND / 10 + '0'),(SECOND MOD 10 + '0'),'0','0'
However, the editor window truncates it to: DATE_STRING EQU (YEAR / 1000 + '0'),((YEAR / 100) MOD 10 + '0'),((YEAR / 10) MOD 10 + '0'),(YEAR MOD 10 + '0'),(MONTH / 10 + '0'),(MONTH MOD 10 + '0'),(DAY / 10 + '0'),(DAY MOD 10 + '0'),(HOUR / 10 + '0'),(HOUR MOD 10 + '0'),(MINUTE / 10 + '0'),(MINUTE MOD
Is there a work around for very long text lines? Are there plans to increase the line's lengths?
Thanks in advance! Sorry if this is covered elsewhere...